Sunday, 5 October 2008

Monday 22 January 2007

The beginning of another week - and it could be a momentous one for my partner. She will find out on Thursday whether she was successful in her application for another job. Mixed feelings abound, but alas, I cannot discuss them here in case legal proceedings ensue over her current job. More of this to follow. Possibly.

Today is BC's birthday. My partner delivered his gift to him via a mutual friend. So perhaps his conscience is pricking him at last. I have settled it with my partner that his name will not be mentioned again on this blog unless I have positive news to report. I grow concerned at the profusion of tears so near to the electrical sockets. And I am sick of writing about him.

During the recent strong winds, a carrier bag became entangled in tree branches above the rear of my estate. I am savvy enough to know that it is merely a plastic receptacle - but still it sounds like an army of tiny squirrels, each one banging a little drum, every time the wind blows. It makes me very cross indeed.

By way of a diversion - here's Part 8 of Around the World with Jasper:

Good night.

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