Good morning! I understand that the competition details posted by my half-witted partner are not readable. Many grateful thanks to Bailey and Angie for pointing out the ineptness of the staff with which I am cursed. Despite the fact that today is my partner's birthday, you may be sure that there will be nipping in the house this day. But before all of that, here are the details of how to vote for l'il old me:
BY TELEPHONE: Dial 0901151 followed by my number, which is 0794.
BY TEXT MESSAGE: Text hctopdog followed by a space, then 0794 to 80360.
BY POST: Fill in the form and send it to the address at the bottom.
The form:

The address is Top Dog Competition, Hampshire Chronicle Group, Staple House, Staple Gardens, Winchester, SO23 8SR.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to vote online. Grrr!
God bless you for your vote.
Good day.
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