Monday 27 October 2008

Saturday 17 May 2008

I have had a very busy week and must apologise to those who sent me messages. I deeply regret my inattention in not being able to respond - and send you my grateful thanks.

My partner and I are off to Wales in a moment. Our deadline for leaving was 11.00am this morning. It is now 2.39pm. We are almost ready to depart, however, so this is better progress than usual.

My goals for this holiday are as follows:

1) Playing on the beach. LIKELIHOOD: 100%. The cottage has its own beach.
2) Fight with a seal. LIKELIHOOD: 42%. My extra long walks with my partner have made me quite buff of late.
3) A Boat-trip. LIKELIHOOD: 67%. Depends on the weather.
4) For the journey home NOT to take over 8 hours, with my partner stopping to vomit every half hour because she had gastric flu and drove the wrong way. LIKELIHOOD: 2%.

Will I achieve these aims? A full report will be provided upon my return next week.

Good afternoon.

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