My attempts to subvert the recent pee harvest were not successful. GrannaPea snaffled enough for the sample tube on my last pre-bedtime download.
This led to a disagreement between me and Mistress. I made a simple polite request, not unreasonable. But it was met with a very firm "no!".
"Oh, but - "
"No! No, Gisèle. I will NOT post a photograph of a Perspex vial containing your urine on the internet!"
Mistress wouldn't argue with me any more. So I went and sat in my basket until I forgot why I was cross and got a headache. I was allowed to have an extra bedtime treat and a cuddle when I finally went upstairs. Mistress is trying to be smiling but I can see that she is still sad. We gave my tube of wee to the vet's yesterday and the vet wants Mistress to telephone her on Wednesday next week.
I am happy with my tablets. They help me to feel better, but not TOO MUCH better like the last ones six months ago. They made me see funny shapes and colours and sway and fall over. Mistress told the vet about this and she wasn't very surprised. Apparently they were something called "strong opiates" and can be too strong for the smaller dog. But these ones are OK. I have got to take them for another week and then I will hopefully be alright, like Mistress says. I went out today, between the rain showers, said hello to the cattle and did a bit more on the hole I am working on by the trees. Other dogs go there too, to the exact same spot, but my digging is the best. Mistress says that I am wasting my time because there is no burrow there, it's just an old termite nest, but I know better. For the rest of my day before I started to write this I have been buying some of my Christmas presents (online) and barking to my family.
Mistress's brother and sister-in-law made a videocall earlier today. It was nice to see them and I was able to bark not only to my cousin Doug but also, in a rare appearance, to my cousin-in-law Mocha. She lives with Mistress's sister-in-law's parents (they also used to look after the late Isolde, my predecessor Jasper's wife). Mocha is a Springer Spaniel, like Isolde, and a very nice dog but she is also very shy and I don't see her very often. Here is a picture of me and Doug and Mocha waiting for our Christmas supper two years ago.
Three wise dogs know that Christmas dinner leftovers are
LEGALLY the property of the dog. That's the ACTUAL LAW.
It was very nice to see them again, even if it was only on a screen and I could not sniff them.
I did ask but mean old Mistress refused to show them a picture of my pee-wee sample. She said that they wouldn't be interested (they were) and that I should go to my bed because it was time for a lie-down (I did).
I did hear Mistress laughing about her efforts to capture my pee. She showed her sister-in-law the yellow cup and they both agreed that it looks like a human thing called a "she-wee" (no idea). See what you think.
The cup.
If you look at the label on the packet you will see that it is called a "Rocket Uripet". I barked that this sounded like the name of a Russian Cosmonaut. I asked if I would have to go into space, like Laika (poor Laika). Mistress said I wouldn't. But when I asked a few more times if I could have a picture of the tube of my pee, she muttered darkly that "it could be arranged". I will not go on a rocket into space - but I AM going to work out how Mistress puts pictures on here for me and see if I can do it for myself. She says I will not. I will.
I am still enjoying looking at the Christmas lights. The local steam railway is having special lit up trains for Christmas. I want Mistress to take me to see them. She says she might, IF I am good. I will be good. Probably.
Stay safe, be nice to each other and keep smiling.
Lots of love from Gisèle x
Shhh…! hehehe...
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