Friday, 20 November 2015

Friday 20 November 2015

I grieve so deeply for the human casualties of the despicable travesties visited upon my neighbours and friends in France.

But few, if any, think a mere dog is worthy of grief.

When PAPD Officer David Lim was calling and crying for his fallen canine partner Sirius, he was berated by a Fire Officer for "eulogizing a f*cking dog". I don't judge between sentient beings.
Whatever species, colour, beliefs, nationality or race, we ALL - to a one - as mammals weep salt water tears and bleed red blood when we hurt.
The death of just one diminishes us ALL. Regardless of species.
And so:-
Alors, Nous sommes appelés Jasper-Horatio et Gisèle-Stephanie. Mais, aujourd'hui, nous sommes à la fois - ‪#‎jesuisdiesel‬.

Bonne nuit, mes amies.
Votre Jasper xx

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