Friday, 14 August 2009

Friday 14 August 2009

A little post from Jasper's partner:

Jasper WAS preparing a special post for yesterday - to celebrate the third 'birthday' of his blog: he began whinging to the world, er, sorry - "sharing the benefit of his wisdom" - on 13 August 2006!

Alas, however, our internet connection has been cut off because we couldn't afford the bill. Jasper asked me to post this little news item while I'm at work.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. In the meantime, we are thinking of organising a revolution against the banking organisations that have driven us to this with their obscene charges. All volunteers with pitch-forks, flaming torches and small, portable, gallows will be welcome to join our merry band...

Be assured that we are both well, smiling and healthy and enjoying the nice evenings with long walks together. I will leave Jasper to continue his tale of horror next time...!

With love. x


Angie said...

Well I'm pleased you're both well anyway. Shame about the inter-me-bob thingy. What you ought to do is move further north, where it's MUCH cheaper to live.

Happy Anniversary to Jasper. I love reading his exploits, even if he does get into some hair-raising scrapes at times.

love, Angie, xx

Lance said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Jasper's Blog,

And, as long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading! :)

I hope things are right again VERY soon.

